Fear and Living in PA

I turned 51 about a week ago. My health is not bad, overall. There are areas that I need to work on and areas where the damage is done but in general, I’m in pretty good health. So why am I scared all the time?

Part of it is my family history. My father died of an apparent heart attack in his late-50s. His father died of cancer in his early 50s. Neither one lived long enough to see their grandchildren. That sound like a good reason for me to be scared but I don’t show any signs of having the same health problems they did. My Dad had his first heart attack when I was just 10 or 11 years old. He would have been in his 30s at the time. Later in life he had Angina and other problems.

My heart is healthy. Because of the paranoia of various Doctors I’ve had enough stress tests, Cardiac Catheterizations and Echo Cardiograms over the last few years to be sure of that. My resting pulse rate is around 60. My blood pressure runs on the low side of the normal range. My Triglycerides, Cholesterol, etc are all good with the exception that my good cholesterol level is a bit low. That’s all on the good side of the ledger.

On the bad side is the following: I’ve around 120-140 pounds overweight. I have Stage 4a Venous Insufficiency in my legs. I’m 51. That’s it. That’s all I have to be worried about.

Now, oddly enough, both the weight and the vein problem are both taken care of in part by getting off my fat ass and exercising…which I’ve started doing. I’m currently up to 55 minutes a day on the treadmill and plan to increase that to an hour. I’ve also dropped my portion size at meals to where it should be instead of … well, too much. And I’ve cut WAY back on snacks. In addition, I’ve started wearing compression stockings (support hose to old farts like me) to help with the circulation in my legs. And before I forget, one of the best ways to increase your good cholesterol is to watch your diet and exercise.

So why am I scared all the time. I went blithely through the first 50 years of my life without being scared about my health. Maybe it was BECAUSE my cholesterol levels, pulse rate and blood pressure were all good in spite of me sitting around all the time eating too much and exercising almost none at all. I don’t know.

What I do know is that about a year ago I went to the ER because of a pulled muscle. We had been to a family get-together in August and I had overdone helping with the cleanup. I pulled a muscle. When it still hurt after a week or more Tami told me to either get in to see our Doctor TODAY or go to the ER. I couldn’t get an appointment with Doc so into the ER I went…and ended up spending the night in Cardiac Intensive Care. Did I mention that the muscle I pulled was in my chest?

After being monitored overnight and put on a treadmill and given an Echo Cardiogram in the morning they determined that my heart was just fine. However, the very nice Cardiologist told me that even though it was nothing to worry about this time, if I continued like I was, it would be next time. That conversation planted the seeds of my fear.

Like all such things, it took a while to grow to noticeable proportions. By December, I was feeling uneasy about my health. I needed to exercise and drop weight so I bought a treadmill…which sat and collected dust. I made a couple of false starts with it but just couldn’t seem to keep going on it.

Then I started having panic attacks. The fear had been growing more and more and was now noticeable. I started having phantom pains in my chest and legs. I knew I wasn’t having a heart attack but what your mind tells you in a quiet voice can be completely overshadowed by what your gut is screaming at you in mindless panic. So back to the Doctor I went.

Doc prescribed Paxil and Xanax. The Xanax was fine for what he termed ‘Breakthrough’ panic attacks. The Paxil was to be taken daily and I hated it. Paxil may have evened me out a bit but the side effects were terrible. It was making me so tired that I had trouble functioning. He told me to try them out for a couple of months and then come back to see how things were going. We’d re-evaluate then.

Two months later I was back in his office where I told him that I wanted to stop taking both drugs. I had determined that part of the problem was stress from work where I was letting a moderately poisonous coworker get on my nerves. This was true, by the way. It wasn’t a made up bit of BS. Once I figured out what I was doing, I was able to get rid of that particular stresser by the ‘Mind over Matter’ technique – I don’t mind because she doesn’t matter.

Anyway, I stopped with the anxiety meds without any real problems. But while I was there, I asked him about some skin mottling on my lower legs. I had thought it was a skin tone thing – purely cosmetic – which is why I was surprised when he prescribed Compression Stockings and had me make an appointment with a Vascular Specialist. He also scheduled me for an Ultrasound test for the veins in my legs.

If you’ve read my other postings you’ll recall me relating how my wife almost died because of clots that broke away from a larger clot in her legs and went to her lungs. The Doctor who caught it and treated her told us that another 24 hours and she most likely would have died. So, just as I’m getting to the point where I’ve put the fear behind me it attacks from a different quarter. What fun!

The Ultrasound didn’t find any clots in my legs (Thank you, God!) but the Vascular Specialist took one look at my feet and calves and said I was almost a text book picture of Stage 4A Vascular Insufficiency. The mottling I had seen was hyper-pigmentation brought on by the veins in my legs not returning blood to the rest of my body the way they were supposed to. The rest of the diagnosis was a good news/bad news kind of thing. Good news – Vascular Insufficiency is not life threatening in and of itself and it is treatable. Bad news – it’s kind of like diabetes – once you have it you have it for life. It’s treatable, not curable. It’s also not reversible except in rare circumstances. And while it isn’t life threatening, if it’s left untreated it opens you up to stuff that is…like clots in your legs (remember my wife?).

So here I am scared again. But this time, I’m fighting back. I’m wearing my compression stockings all the time. The Vascular Specialist told me that unless I’m lying with my feet at the same level or higher than my heart, I should have them on. I’m also exercising. The treadmill is no longer gathering dust. I started off with 10 minutes a day twice a week. The next week I went to 10 minutes a day three days a week. After doing that for a couple of weeks to let my body get used to exercising I changed it to five days a week. Then I started adding five minutes each week and this week I’m up to 55 minutes. I’ve also dropped about 15 pounds and plan to drop more…slowly…the same way I put it on.

I’m doing something else, too. I’m writing about it. I’ve found that laying it all out on paper (or whatever) drags it out into the light and robs it of much of its power. Fear grows but it grows in the dark. It dies or at least atrophies in the light.

And I’m doing one final thing. The most important and most effective thing I can do. I’m praying. Asking God to help me face my fear and to stand beside me has gotten me through more than I can tell over the years. He’s helped me face my fears about being a good husband, about being a good father, about letting my boys go to stand on their own, about losing my parents. Without his help I’d never have made it this far. With his help I can face anything. To quote Mick Dundee, “Me and God, we be mates!”

So there it all is. The cause of my fear dragged out into the light to shrivel and die. I don’t expect it to go easily but go it will. I refuse to live in fear. As the Bene Gessirit say,

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

But I’ll amend that last line to read

Only God and I will remain.

Endings, Beginnings and Lessons Learned

As I write this, it’s a little after 11:00 PM, December 31st, 2009. In about another 40 minutes this year will be over. Like a lot of people, New Years Eve makes me think about everything that’s happened this past year and everything I hope (or dread) will happen next year.

One year ago today I was in Tennessee arranging my Mother’s funeral – technically, that was 2008 but that just means that I started 2009 off by burying my Mom. This is not one of my more pleasant memories. Three months later my work contract ran out and I was unemployed. Another low spot for this year. Three months after that I started a new job with a company of VERY good repute and things were looking up. A few weeks later my wife was in Cardiac Care five hours from home and I was asking my new boss for time off. Again, not a high point. Since then, I’ve been struggling to get the bills back on an even track while paying for Sean’s current semester at College and keeping the cars running (over $1500.00 in repair bills in the last 6 months). And did I mention that our savings were gone because my work contract had been for about 40% less than I had been making and I had to pay for the bulk of Mom’s funeral?

From the bald listing of events in that last paragraph it looks like 2009 was a bad year for me and my family…and in some ways it was. But in a lot of ways it was a very good year.

Mom’s funeral was not pleasant but traveling to Tennessee allowed me to reconnect with relatives that I hadn’t seen in years. Over the years, I’ve kept moving North and my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins kept getting further and further away. Nobody’s fault really but I feel like I should have made more of an effort to go see them. The trip down for Mom’s funeral gave me that chance. I also got to drive through the town I lived in as a little kid and show my wife and sons where I had started school, learned to swim, gone to church, etc. They were very kind and showed absolutely NO indications of boredom during my trip down memory lane. I think I may have mentioned before how much I love all of them. However much I’ve said, it’s more. They were wonderful during that miserable couple of weeks and I wouldn’t have made it without them. I didn’t think it was possible but we’re closer now because of that bad time.

Having my contract run out and being unemployed wasn’t fun but did give me a short vacation (unpaid, I admit). It also ended up with me getting hired at Cutco which is a definite “Good Thing”.

Being scared out of our collective wits because of the blood clots in Tami’s lungs was terrible but again, we’re closer because of it. Plus, Tami and I have a whole new appreciation of the old phrase, “Carpe Diem”. You really learn to sieze the days you’ve got when you find out you were within 24 to 48 hours of not having any more days at all.

Even getting the bills back in order has an up side. In trimming the fat from our budget, we’ve had to re-examine the choices we make for a lot of the little things in our lives. It’s truly amazing how much cruft can sneak its way into your life (and budget) when your attention is elsewhere.

Now we’re here at the beginning of a new year. I truly hope it goes smoother than the last one. I’d like to not lose any family members. I’d like to not lose my job. I’d like to not have to visit any member of my family in a hospital. I’d like to continue to watch my sons grow into strong young men. I’d like to continue to hold my wife in my arms in the morning before I get out of bed. I’d like to continue to have epic conversations with my family on long car trips.

Right now, though, it’s time to go downstairs to the living room, tune in Dick Clark and count down the old year with my family. That way, I can start the new year hugging them and telling them how much I love them. Because of all the good and bad things that came out of 2009, of all the lessons learned, the most important one was the one I already knew…and got to learn all over again. When everything is said and done, when all the problems are solved, when all the pains are soothed, when all the joys are shared, the only thing that’s important is the people we love.

Tami, Sean, James. I love you.

Thing change

It’s Christmas evening. The presents are all open. The traditional Christmas movies have been watched (once again, Ralphie managed to not shoot his eye out) and all is at peace in our world. Tomorrow we’ll all pile in the car and drive 5 hours to have Christmas all over again with our extended family – my sister, Tami’s Mother and Brother and his family – same as we do every year. And it’s good that we do it every year. It helps keep our family close when the miles keep us apart.

But some things are different than they used to be. The family is smaller this year. A year ago tomorrow, when we were making the same trip that we’ll be making tomorrow, we were about half way there when my cell phone rang. It was the nursing home calling to tell me that my mother had died. This was not as big or as painful a shock as you might think. Because of a head injury, Mom had been declining slowly for years. She hadn’t spoken in at least 4 years. For a couple of years before that, she didn’t know who I was. So, in a sense, I had lost my mother several years earlier. I was just waiting for her body to catch up with the part of her that made her Mom.

Sorry if I sound callous there but we all have our little coping mechanisms. That was mine. The quiet, Southern Lady that I grew up with died years ago. All I’ve had left these past years was her was her beautiful corn-flower blue eyes and a smile that was…wonderful.

Dad has been gone since just after Tami and I got married so now the family is just my sister and I. I remember Dad telling Sue and I when we were fighting as kids, “One day you’ll only have each other.” Right again, Dad. And, in true father/son fashion, I’ve used the same line on my boys. And that’s another thing that’s changing.

Sean is home from college for Christmas break. He’s 20 years old now and we’re not going to have him around much longer. James is 16 and chasing hard on his big brother’s footsteps. A few more years and it’ll be just Tami and me around the house. We’ve talked about it and we’re both OK with it. Intellectually, we know that it’s all a part of the “Great circle of Life” (TM Disney). Emotionally, we know it’s gonna hurt to see them both go out and start their lives even as we’re bursting with pride as they go out and start their lives. And even though we’ll not see them as often as we might want, we’ll have a chance to do things together, just the two of us, that we’ve not had in a long time. That part we’re actively looking forward to.

Things change. And change, in and of itself, isn’t good or bad. What you make of it determines whether it’s good or bad. Tami and I have always tried to make changes work for us…for the good. And we’ve pretty much been able to do it, through layoffs, moves, loss of family…and we’ll do the same with this. And we’ve raised the boys to face change the same way (hope we did that right). It’s a change we’ll accept. But not yet.


James, my youngest, has been running into one of the great joys of teenagerdom lately. He’s been finding out that sometime you can’t even trust your friends. I won’t go into the details of the situation other than to say that there’s a girl involved but suffice it to say, some of his alleged friends have been taking an great deal of pleasure stabbing him in the back. One ‘friend’ is a weaselly little git with a fair amount of intelligence and the backbone of a pint of cream (thanks Jann Hunter for that WONDERFUL expression). Another ‘friend’ is a lazy asshat that delights in pissing in everyone else’s soup…just because he’s bored. Add to this the fact that the girl is VERY pretty and fairly personable and it’s every man for himself.

Trust is one of those things that James…hell, all of us Coxens…take very seriously. We all feel that if someone is your friend, you have their back and they have yours. Period…end of statement! It’s ‘s a binary solution set. You’re either a friend or you’re not. There is no middle ground.

We also don’t believe in situational ethics or morality. If you say that you’re going to do something, you do it…even if it costs you. If you say something is so, it had better be so. If it’s not, you admit your mistake and accept the consequences…again, regardless of the cost. Because to NOT do that is to violate a trust. It’s dishonorable.

Honor isn’t a word that’s much in fashion these days and I think that’s a bad thing. These days you need a raft of lawyers and a contract longer than the tax code to make sure that something is going to be done. Personally, I’d prefer to be able to trust a man’s word rather than the skillfulness of my lawyer compared to his. There’s a scene in the movie ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’ where George M. Cohan and Sam Harris, his partner of many years, are closing down their business. The news men come flocking in to get pictures of them hurling insults and shredded contracts at each other. Instead, they find the two men talking quietly about times gone by. Cohan says, “Here’s the only contract we’ve ever had.” And he and his partner shake hands. That’s trust. That’s friendship.

Maybe I’m a throw-back to an earlier time. Maybe I’m an anachronism. If so, I don’t care. Trust me.

These Are The Days Of Our Lives

Things are starting to get back to normal here at the asylum I call home. Tami has been back to work for a week now and is adjusting pretty well. They’re going to have to adjust her meds a bit since her blood is WAY too thin but from what we hear that’s pretty typical. I’m starting a fairly big project at work evaluating Network Management Systems for use by the different IT groups. Sean has finished up his summer job and James is doing pre-season Soccer workouts.

And yet, the return to normalcy is a surface effect at best. Underneath the facade things have changed and are continuing to change. Tami has had a brush with death and while it’s made her a bit more fearful in some respects, it’s also brought her peace and and closer to God .

Some of you hypothetical readers will take one look at that and think, “Typical. She got a scare and she went all religious.” You’d be wrong. She did have a scare but she hasn’t become hyper-religious. Tami has always believed in a higher power – call it God, Yahweh, Allah, the Great Baboo – doesn’t matter. She just hasn’t gotten along with organized religion. That doesn’t make her an athiest, just religiously unaffiliated.

So the sun shines a little brighter and the flowers smell a little sweeter. And she makes sure she tells God about it and thanks him. I just think it’s a shame that it takes a scare like that to make people appreciate what they have and the beauty of the world around them – and I include myself in that as well. I’m as guilty of it as the next person so I’m trying to follow Tami’s example.

Another sub-surface change is that Sean is going to be heading back to College in a couple of weeks. I’ve already started tensing up for the series of excruciating jerks as the BandAid gets ripped off when he’s gone again. I’m more the ‘one agonizing rip’ kind of guy so it hurts me more when I keep looking around for him and he’s not there (jerk) or we sit down for dinner and there’s only three people (jerk) or…you get the idea.

Yet another change involves James. He just turned 16 with all that entails – he’s more independent, expressing himself more and exploring ideas that more and more don’t come from Mom and Dad. In other words, he’s growing up and becoming a man. Not the man I envisioned when he was born or when he was a little boy but that’s OK. It’s not important that he become what I expect. It’s important that he becomes who he’s supposed to be. And for the record, I like what I see and I’m proud of who he’s becoming.

Finally, there’s me. I’m going to turn 49 in a couple of months which means that 50 is only a year away and retirement only 15 years (or so) beyond that. Yes, I can do basic math. No, I’m not having a mid-life crisis. I have too much fun laughing at other men who do that to ever want to expose myself to my own brand of humor. By the way, the Mazda Miata seems to be the mid-life-crisis-mobile of choice. In an ongoing, informal survey I’m conducting (a semi-accurate count I keep in my head), Miata drivers seem to be split roughly 50-50 between 30-something women and 50-something men. Make of that what you will.

But getting back to what I was talking about…(why do you let me go off on these side tangents, anyway?). With retirement getting closer I’m actually starting to <cue dramatic music> Make Plans For The Future! What, you’re surprised? I’ve always been one to take life as it comes and not worry too much about tomorrow. That’s changing. Not, I think, because the boys are growing up or because Tami had a close call. I think it’s more just because for me at least, it’s time. Boring, maybe but it’s the truth.

And so, with normalcy and change setting in, I’ll leave you with these thoughts from Queen. For Tami.

The change in her is that she has an appreciation of day-to-day life that she didn’t have before. When a Doctor tells you that if something hadn’t been caught for another couple of days, you’d be dead it makes you think. So the sun shines a little brighter and the flowers smell a little sweeter. And she makes sure she tells God about it and thanks him. I just think it’s a shame that it takes a scare like that to make people appreciate what they have and the beauty of the world around them – and I include myself in that as well. I’m as guilty of it as the next person so I’m trying to follow Tami’s example.

Another sub-surface change is that Sean is going to be heading back to College in a couple of weeks. I’ve already started tensing up for the series of excruciating jerks as the BandAid gets ripped off when he’s gone again. I’m more the ‘one agonizing rip’ kind of guy so it hurts me more when I keep looking around for him and he’s not there (jerk) or we sit down for dinner and there’s only three people (jerk) or…you get the idea.

Yet another change involves James. He just turned 16 with all that entails – he’s more independent, expressing himself more and exploring ideas that more and more don’t come from Mom and Dad. In other words, he’s growing up and becoming a man. Not the man I envisioned when he was born or when he was a little boy but that’s OK. It’s not important that he become what I expect. It’s important that he becomes who he’s supposed to be. And for the record, I like what I see and I’m proud of who he’s becoming.

Finally, there’s me. I’m going to turn 49 in a couple of months which means that 50 is only a year away and retirement only 15 years (or so) beyond that. Yes, I can do basic math. No, I’m not having a mid-life crisis. I have too much fun laughing at other men who do that to ever want to expose myself to my own brand of humor. By the way, the Mazda Miata seems to be the mid-life-crisis-mobile of choice. In an ongoing, informal survey I’m conducting (a semi-accurate count I keep in my head), Miata drivers seem to be split roughly 50-50 between 30-something women and 50-something men. Make of that what you will.

But getting back to what I was talking about…(why do you let me go off on these side tangents, anyway?). With retirement getting closer I’m actually starting to <cue dramatic music> Make Plans For The Future! What, you’re surprised? I’ve always been one to take life as it comes and not worry too much about tomorrow. That’s changing. Not, I think, because the boys are growing up or because Tami had a close call. I think it’s more just because for me at least, it’s time. Boring, maybe but it’s the truth.

And so, with normalcy and change setting in, I’ll leave you with these thoughts from Queen.

For Tami.

These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Sometimes I get to feelin'
I was back in the old days - long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Thing seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shinin - we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
The rest of my lifes been just a show
Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find I still love you
You cant turn back the clock you cant turn back the tide
Ain't that a shame
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinkin' on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
Better sit back and go with the flow
Cos these are the days of our lives
They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change
Those were the days of our lives - yeah
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one things still true
When I look and I find
I still love you
I still love you